Owner of the Website
3E – Eugène Eisenberger Entreprises
Address: 7, rue Labie – 75017 Paris – France
Tel.: +33 (0)6 85 53 18 17
Contact: 3e@3e.fr
SAS – Capital of 38 113 €
RC PARIS B 332 323 278
VAT N°: FR63 332
Website Design, Realization & Development: NOVACTIVE
Website hosting and TMA: AVANCENET
Copyright pictures: 3E
Head of publication: Hélène SIMON
Liability and Copyright
This website was set up by 3E.
3E does not accept any liability with regard to the content of these pages and any use which may be made thereof.
The information contained in this document has been prepared solely for the purpose of providing certain information concerning 3E, its activities, the teams of which it is composed and their previous experience.
As a consequence, and although the website was set up in good faith and with the utmost care, 3E, its partner and employees shall in no case be liable for the accuracy and completeness of the information contained on this website, and the user hereby acknowledges that it may in no case hold liable the natural or legal persons named above on the grounds that one or more pieces of information contained on this website, or which may be provided thereon in future, are found or deemed to be insufficient, incomplete, imprecise or inaccurate.
The products and services described in these pages do not constitute a commercial offer. Only the relevant departments of 3Ehave the power to determine the availability of the services concerned and to establish the conditions, including rates, currently in force which are applicable to them. In addition, access to certain services may be subject to restrictions for contractual reasons.
Although all measures have been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information included in these documents, 3E cannot be held liable for any errors or omissions therein.
Total or partial reproduction of this website and its contents, by any means whatsoever without prior permission is prohibited and constitutes an infringement punishable by articles L335-2 and following of the Intellectual Property Code. Site users are required to comply with the Data Protection Act, Files and Liberties; the violation is punishable by criminal sanctions. They must refrain, as regards the personal information they access, from any collection, any diverted use, and generally, any act likely to infringe the privacy or reputation of individuals.